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Elephant on Train - Free Green Screen


The elephant was very excited to be taking a ride on the train. It was a bit cramped in the car, but the elephant was happy to be there. The other passengers were not so sure about having an elephant on the train, but they soon got used to it. The elephant was a bit noisy, but overall it was a pleasant ride. The elephant was on the train, and it was a big elephant. It was so big that it filled the whole train car, and it was very heavy. The elephant was very tired, and it was very hot in the train car. The elephant was sweating, and its trunk was hanging down. The elephant was very thirsty, and it was looking for something to drink.

A huge elephant was lumbering down the tracks, heading straight for the oncoming train. The engineer saw the elephant and frantically began to apply the brakes, but it was too late. The train collided with the elephant, and the impact sent the animal flying through the air. It landed with a thud in the middle of the tracks, dead. In India, elephants are commonly used for transportation. They are often seen carrying heavy loads on their backs or pulling carts through the streets. But did you know that elephants can also ride trains?

In 2017, a video of an elephant boarding a train in Kerala went viral. The elephant, named Lakshmi, had been trained to get on and off the train by her mahout, or handler. Lakshmi was even able to choose the right train car to ride in and settled down for a nap once she was onboard. This isn't the first time an elephant has been spotted on a train in India. In 2015, another elephant was seen riding the rails in Assam. And in 2009, an elephant named Bijlee was photographed taking a train ride in Uttar Pradesh. So next time you're riding the rails in India, keep your eyes peeled for a very special passenger - an elephant on a train!

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